Springs of LIFE is committed to providing those in crisis with access to resources in their area. We reach areas from Lehigh Valley to Montgomery County. Down below we have provided you with a list of resources in the areas such as clothing, food, housing, after school programs, and more. If you need any other recourses that are not listed here, please contact us through our contact page!
Additionally, you are welcome to reach out to us about any type of assistance or if you just need to talk.
Food Banks
Daily Bread Community Food Pantry
Website: https://dailybreadcommunityfoodpantry.org/
Phone: 610-489-5540
Address: 3938 Ridge Pike, Collegeville, PA 19426
Keystone Opportunity Center
Website: https://keystoneopportunity.org/
Phone: 215-723-5430
Address: 104 N Main St, Souderton, PA 18964
Manna On Main Street
Website: https://mannaonmain.org/
Phone: 215-855-5454
Address: 606 E. Main Street, Lansdale, PA 19446
Bread Of Heaven Food Pantry
Website: https://www.holytrinity.net/giving/bread-of-heaven/
Phone: 215-659-2642
Address: 2086 Parkview Avenue, Abington, PA 19001
Hours of operation: Thursdays 10am-12noon
The JenkinTown Food Cupboard
Website: https://www.jenkintownfoodcupboard.org/
Phone: (215) 274-5720
Address: 328 Summit Ave, Jenkintown, PA 19046
Hours of operation: Tuesdays 5:30pm-7pm, Thursdays 12:15pm-2:00pm
Mattie N. Dixon Community Cupboard
Website: https://www.community-cupboard.org/
Phone: 215-628-3002
Address: 150 N. Main St., P.O. Box 367, Ambler, PA 19002
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Food Distribution: Monday and Wednesday, 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. (sign in by 11:15 a.m.).
Services offered: food pantry, clothing boutique, caseworker, office
Other locations:
Mattie N. Dixon North Hills Cupboard
Address: North Hills Community Center, 212 Girard Avenue, North Hills, PA 19038 *This pantry only serves the 19038 zip code*
Food Distribution: Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (Families receive three bags of food each week)
Thrift Stores
2nd Avenue
Address: 1200 Welsh Rd, North Wales, PA 19454
Hours: Everyday 9am-9pm
Liberty Ministries Thrift
Address: 979 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm
Goodwill Store and Outlet
Address: 753 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936
2708 Dekalb Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-8pm, Sundays 12pm-6pm
Sweet Repeats Thrift Store
Address: 499 E Walnut St, North Wales, PA 19454
Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-6pm
Care and Share Thrift shops
Address: 783 PA-113, Souderton, PA 18964
Hours: Monday-Thursday and Saturday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-8pm
Women's Center of Montgomery County Thrift Shop
Address: 318 Leedom St, Jenkintown, PA 19046
Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday 10am-4pm
West Main Consignment
Address: 15 W Main St, Lansdale, PA 19446
Hours: Tuesday- Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 1pm-5pm
Multiple Resources
Mitzvah Circle
Website: https://mitzvahcircle.org/
Phone: (267) 649-7610
Address: 2562 Boulevard of the Generals #100, Norristown, PA 19403
What they offer: Mitzvah Circle was created to fill the gaps, to provide items that are not covered by government assistance. Mitzvah Circle provides over 100 products including clothing, diapers, new strollers and car seats, toiletries, household items and other necessities.
By individually assessing and building personal relationships, they remove barriers, eliminate bureaucracy, and invite people in crisis to contact them directly.
After learning what people need to move forward, Mitzvah Circle Foundation delivers and distributes car packages containing clothing, shoes, diapers, period supplies, books, household goods, toiletries, and more.
Mitzvah Circle is based in Norristown but supplies resources for those all over Montgomery County.
If you need help from Mitzvah Circle, simply go to their website and click on “get help” where you can choose the option “individuals and families”.
Quakertown Community outreach
Website: https://www.quakertowncommunityoutreach.com/
Phone: (267) 377-9179
Email: quakertownoutreach@gmail.com
Mailing Address: PO Box 929
Richlandtown, PA 18955
What they do: To provide a network of resources, services and support for those in need from our community. Quakertown Community Outreach is a 501(3)(c) volunteer-run organization, whose mission is to provide a network of resources, services and support to the homeless and at-risk of our community. While providing assistance and direction, our goal is for clients to achieve sustainable independence. The support and pro-active attitude of local businesses, churches, civic organizations and individuals in the community has been vital to the growth and success of our mission. This continued support is critical as we proceed to serve our community and strive for improvement with compassionate problem-solving.
Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:00am to 1:00pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Love Works Recourse center
Website: https://www.loveworksrc.org/clothing-penn-1
Phone: (484) 754-6718
Address: 740 North Henderson Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406
What they do: Love Works offers a multitude of resources to its community. A part of their services is the clothing peen which offers clothing for men, women, and children. The clothing penn is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-noon, and Sundays from 10:30am-noon. They are located on the lower level of the LWRC, and can be accessed by entering the double-glass doors on the side of the building.
Love works also offers a food pantry which is open for order pick-ups on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 10:00AM - 12:00PM.
Love works also offers creative art therapy. The CAT program aims to provide fully funded CAT programs facilitated by board certified/ licensed clinicians for underserved community members.
Hours of operation: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 9:00am to noon; Sunday, 10:30am to noon.
Mental Health
Penn Foundation Mental health rehabilitation and residential services
Website: https://www.pennfoundation.org/services/mental-health/
Phone: 215-257-6551
Rehabilitation programs:
Case management, peer support, REACH, HealthConnections @ 807 Lawn Avenue, Sellersville
ID supports Coordinations @ 64 S. County Line Road, Souderton
Wellspring Clubhouse @ 700 S. Main street, Sellerville
Residential Services:
Village of Hope @ 807 Lawn Avenue, Sellersville
Penn Villa @ 50 Loux Lane, Sellersville
Penn Gardens @ 612 S. Main Street, Sellersville
Penn Foundation offers a variety of inpatient, and outpatient programs which can be found on their website.
Trafficking and Domestic Violence
If you or someone you know suspects/knows that they have/are experiencing trafficking or domestic violence, please reach out to any of the organizations below or the Springs of LIFE team so we can connect you with resources.
True Light, INC.
Website: https://www.truelightrecovery.org/
Phone: 484-469-8783
Email: info@truelightrecovery.org
What they offer: “True Light's safe havens are Christian homes for women recovering from addiction, abuse or sexual exploitation. All residents are expected to live and work together as a family in a manner that brings honor and dignity, and helps provide an atmosphere of love and compassion.
True Light provides food, utilities, clothing, a bed and bedding, toiletries and more upon arrival. The basic necessities are provided for each survivor for up to 6 months while she focuses on healing and recovery. After that each woman must be working to pay rent and help with the expenses of the house.”
Worthwhile Wear
Website: worthwhilewear.org
Phone: 215-541-5401
Email: info@worthwhilewear.org
Locations for Worthwhile Thrift:
58535 Easton Road, Plumstead, PA (215-541-5424)
305 2nd Ave, Suite 201, Collegeville, PA (215-541-5401)
What they do:
North Star Initiative
Website: northstarinitiative.org
Phone: 717-568-2700
Address: PO Box 315, Lititz, PA 17543
What they offer: North Star Initiative is based in Lancaster, PA and offers multiple resources to survivors of sex trafficking. Their 24/7 home The Harbor provides safe housing for up to 10 residents. At their Survivor Center, survivors enjoy dedicated living space at the Harbor while experiencing education, fitness classes, group therapy, and other programs in the Survivor Center.
THey advocate for and support survivors of sex trafficking by providing physical, psychological, emotional, education, and spiritual development through a Christ Centered focus.
Pregnancy Centers
Magnolia Women’s Center
Website: www.magnoliawomenscentersupport.org
Phone: 215-983-6656
Text: 434-253-0733
Address: 7811 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19136
What They Offer: They provide women facing unplanned pregnancies with free services including, pregnancy testing, ultrasound, STD testing & treatment, support, parenting and prenatal classes, and resources.
Hours of operation: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Hopewell Agape Prayer Ministry
Website: www.hopewelltelford.church
Phone: 215-721-0834
Address: 610 Hunsicker Rd, Telford, PA
Email: info@hcftelford.com
What they offer: Agape Prayer Ministry is offered by Hopewell Christian Fellowship.
24/7 Prayer
Phone: 267-367-5083
What they offer: Call anytime for confidential prayer